Recycled stadium dome roof material

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Recycled stadium dome roof material

Postby thickstrings » Sun Jan 17, 2016 4:50 pm

I have come across this and thought it might be useful to some of you here.... ... -30-sq-ft/ I intend to use some for walls on a roofed structure that I have........I may use thinner material as they have a variety for sale used billboard tarps to new....much thicker the the usual blue tarps from the hardware store....and cheaper... pond liner? roof?
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Re: Recycled stadium dome roof material

Postby Lollykoko » Mon Feb 15, 2016 5:53 pm

Looks like a good resource to keep handy.

I have an acquaintance who works for one of the universities, in the maintenance department. She comes up with some good finds on occasion, when directed to remove items no longer wanted/needed. As a result, I wound up with 3 large nylon panels that had hung from the rafters of the gym, displaying sports information. So far they are still in the "possibles" pile, but I'm sure that we will come up with something that can use a good cover that is is painted camo (to cover the stats).
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Re: Recycled stadium dome roof material

Postby dave brenneman » Mon Apr 18, 2016 1:43 am

whoa, neat.

I know a guy who has an ortlieb bag made of a similar material. Not the panniers, but more of a carryall/toolbag. He says it's a great bag, has held up well for years.
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