Forum topics?

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Re: Forum topics?

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Mon Mar 12, 2012 7:57 pm

I agree that we may be able to use more threads, and different threads to handle all of the various topics that may come up over time. I think the zone numbers could be confusing for an old guy like me that isn't too bright. I would not know what to put where. Naming topics, like alternative energy, home made products, Vine crops, fruits crops, organic gardening, etc might work better for me. I can understand names like that and I would know where to add a topic that I was interested in. Right now we do have some topics, like The Joy of Country Living that may not have too many other topics that could be added to that thread. That topic may have been better being added some place else. We are all new and learning, so I am sure that we can do better as we go along. Haveing the Educational thread as a seporate item instead of being a sub part of the Permiculture thread might be a good idea. We have had alot of people post videos to share with the group and they seem to be very interesting. It is a good resourse for us all.
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby George Collins » Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:12 pm

How about a section for Permaculture related news items. For instance, I read a news item today about how Monsanto has been voted the world's most evil company.

That's something that sounds worthy of passing along but where to put it?
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby matt walker » Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:09 pm

I think that might work George. I'm still trying to get some time to sit here and redo some of this, but of course it's spring and everything else needs doing as well. I'll try to get to it soon, and maybe update this thread with a couple potential reorganization schemes and see what you guys think.

One that I've been thinking lately is a plant database. Those exist in a lot of places, but it might be nice to track our experiences in our different zones with regards to plants. I've been doing lots and lots of research and have lots of new seeds to try. I'd like to put down my successes and failures somewhere so I could reference them when someone asked "have you ever tried growing blank?" Not to mention for my own referencing in a few years when I forget what I've tried.
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby matt walker » Thu Apr 12, 2012 4:12 am

Well, I'm sitting here with a pen and paper, trying to sort out a better way to organize stuff here. I haven't really come up with anything great, and I'm feeling a bit stuck, so I'll post a couple ideas I have so far. I'd love to hear opinions or even massive restructure ideas, whatever. I want this place to be somewhere you guys want to share your stuff, 'cause I'm learning a lot from each and every one of you.

So, here's my ideas:

----Educational Resources
----Stocking Up

Member's 'Steads
----Members' 'steads forums

Garden, Pasture, Forest
----Permsteading Plantpedia

The Hangout

So, it's not a complete concept yet, but let me explain.

"Permsteading" forum is "general discussion," (maybe rename "general" ??) so relative current events and news, concepts, discussion about techniques, etc. Two sub forums, Educational resources and I would move Stocking Up there as well. Not much action in SU, but I do plan on journaling my summer canning season, so I'd like to keep it somewhere.

Member's Steads is where my main idea happens. I'd like to create a sub forum, like "Educational Resources", for each of us. I might be biting off a huge chunk and it might be terrible, but it's just something I thought of tonight and thought I'd throw out there. So, George would PM me and say, "hey, make me a Collin's Stead forum" and I'd make him one, so we'd have:

Member's 'Steads
----Member's Steads Subforums
------Collins Stead
--------kid's food forest
--------Walnut plantation
------Matt Walker's Ranch
--------Rocket Mass Heater for my Home
--------My garden 2012
--------My concrete countertops

....and so on. If we get a bunch of members in the future, this will probably be a terrible idea, but for now, it might work? I dunno, just a thought. I took out "heating and Cooling" because we can move those posts to the members subforums, but I think we'd still have plenty of sort of general on topic discussions to keep threads going in the main areas of the board. Also, if you don't want a whole subforum, that would be fine too, just post in the main area of Member's Steads just like it is now. I'm mostly trying to come up with a way to organize my scattered ideas about my place, I guess.

Anyway, that's kind of a radical idea, I'm certainly not planning on implementing it unless we sort it out first. The only other change would be the plant list subforum under "Garden, Pasture, Forest". Just a place to make a thread, for example, called "Sea Buckthorn" and talk about our experience in our zone, and if and how we use it. I expect it would go slow, but I'm experimenting with lots of plants right now and it might be nice. Or not, could be a dead zone if I'm the only one interested in it.

So, those are my thoughts. I'm open to criticism, suggestions, total rewrites, whatever.
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby Lollykoko » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:10 pm

Matt, I wonder if your thoughts are any more organized this morning? Just suggesting that late night brainstorming often leads to early morning clarity.

I kind of like the idea of having sub headings (no idea what is involved) in our "Member's Steads" folder. I planted a few things on Sunday (flowers) and Monday (tomatoes and lettuce) before hearing that the temps were dropping back to freezing in my area. Talking about that would get lost in all those photos I've posted to give you a hint of my geography and resources.

Anyway, I won't know until my next trip north if the plants I bought at the nursery lived through the cold snap this week. It will be another week before I can realistically expect any "show" from the seeds I scattered in egg flats and placed under the plastic blankets Monday afternoon. By then, you might have done some tweaking. :)
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby matt walker » Thu Apr 12, 2012 3:41 pm

Thanks for the feedback Lolly. I do feel a bit clearer about it this morning, but I'll let it stew a bit. I think there is merit to each of us with our own sections as you recognized, I suppose the pitfalls will become evident once we start hashing it out. I intend to make each member a moderator of their own section, so you could reorganize your posts or sub forums as you see fit. George could do zones if he choose, and I could do random drive by posts which is kinda how my brain works. And yep, you could make a small post to remember when you planted those tomatoes that got murdered by frost, or jumped way out ahead of the others last year, or whatever. I dunno, like I said, just brainstorming right now.

Thanks again, and I'll cross my fingers for your nursery plants Lolly.
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby DevilsBrew » Tue Sep 17, 2013 8:10 pm

Is there a place for cooking? Am I missing it?
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Re: Forum topics?

Postby matt walker » Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:00 pm

Hmmm, nope, I guess there isn't. How 'bout starting a "today" type thread, or "recipes" or whatever, in the Hangout and if we need something dedicated we can take it from there.
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