Pa Farm Show & other agg shows around the country

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Pa Farm Show & other agg shows around the country

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Mon Jan 19, 2015 9:19 pm

I went to the Pa Farm Show last week, it was a great time. Our Farm Show is located in Harrisburg and has a huge following. The Farm Show Building has 24 acres under roof so there is room to show off every aspect of Agriculture in Pa. They had a room for Nuts, one for corn, another for hay, and another to display small grain crops. Then there was the poultry room, the rabbit room, the area for draft horses, another area for sheep, pigs, goats etc. I got to see eggs hatch right before my eyes and I saw a duck slide which was fun to watch. There was a display of maple syrup equipment as well as how to lectures on the subject. The state Bee Keepers had displays and also gave daily lectures. Old tractors and hit & miss engines were on display and there was a tractor pull. The Butter Sculpture is always a big hit, it is life sized and the same guy and his wife have done the sculpture each and every year for many years now. It is of course made entirely out of Butter. There is a tractor square dance and people square dance, sheep to shawl contest , horse pulling, quilting display and the list goes on and on. I have lived in Pa all my life and never went to the Farm Show until last year. This was my 2nd show and it was very enjoyable. I am guessing that many states have similar shows and I wonder if others from the group have attended and had similar experiences to mine. There were many venders with a wide variety of produce from combines to sheds, to out door wood furnaces to chain saws. If it has a use on the farm it was there for sale. All in all I thought it was well worth the time. There is a web site for the show if any one has an interest in what Pa does and how they do it.
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Re: Pa Farm Show & other agg shows around the country

Postby Lollykoko » Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:07 pm

I've never noticed / paid attention to any farm shows in the state. That might change this year, however.

The fruit and nut growers group that I joined has a booth at the Flower and Patio show in Indianapolis every year. I've been told that if I work the booth for a few hours, I will be compensated with free admission. ;) Since I've heard that the fruit and nut grower group has some really good deals on trees, and I'd like to get a good start on a forest garden, free admission would just be the cherry on the sundae! Besides, what else can I do with my time the week before equinox? Plant potatoes?
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Re: Pa Farm Show & other agg shows around the country

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Tue Jan 27, 2015 3:40 pm

Go for it Lolly. I get free admission to the Mother Earth News Fair by working the booth for the Electric Car Club and bringing my car along. It has been well worth it to me. Not only is it a great event with great presenters, but I get to talk personally with some really interesting folks who have a wealth of information and ideas. The low cost trees is a great incentive for you to go and work the booth. Look for that one pearl of wisdom at the event that will really make a difference for you. That one thing that you did not know but will take the idea and use it to your great advantage on your land. I always look for that one pearl of wisdom at any event, and when I find it I feel the entire event was worth while, no mater how much it cost, no matter how boring the speakers where, no matter how long it took. One good idea is worth going to the event.
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Re: Pa Farm Show & other agg shows around the country

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Fri Jan 08, 2016 3:40 pm

This years Farm Show starts Tomorrow and runs all week until next weekend. It is the largest Farm show under one roof in the Country, I think the building is 24 acres under roof. I always try to go on Wed because I figure a week day should be less crowed than a weekend. They have the old tractors and some hit and miss engines on display Wed which I always enjoy. I saw that the TODAY Show had a thing about the Butter Sculpture on their program today. It uses tons of butter and is very unique. This will be the 3rd year that I have been there, this year I an planning on purchasing several things I have been wanting, or needing. I need some bees wax for the new frames I bought, I want some mushroom spore to start logs, and of course I will need the plunger, special drill and wax dabber that are used in the process. I have really enjoyed the Show, I am normally exhausted when it is over from all the walking on cement floors, but I do have several good friends down that way that I get to see and spend a little time with, I consider that to be a huge bonus for me. If your state has anything like this I would encourage you to attend, the event is not only informative and educational, but it is also fun.

PS They have great food and even ICE CREAM there. :lol: :lol:
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