What's on your mind?

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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby Lollykoko » Fri Aug 07, 2015 5:54 am

We have another continuance in the case; waiting on one more testimony that is supposed to tip the scale my direction. The good news is, we have been awarded visitation twice a week, without stepmom. Their maternal grandfather will pick them up on Wed. and Sun. at 4. She will come to get them, wherever we are that day, at 7. It will probably be the end of the month before the other witness is available, so we have several weeks to get reacquainted with JJ and Clea before the final decision is made. We don't know yet if the judge will want to talk with JJ in chambers, but if he does ... I would rather that my grandson have a few weeks in which he can vent any unhappiness he has with me, to me.

We have decided on a 3 story, 38.5 ft dia. geodesic dome, earth sheltered into a hillside with south and east exposures. The bottom floor will have a walkout on the south, central floor with east entrance/patio and west entrance to garage (30 ft dome). The top level will be open on all sides, we think. I need to do some surveying on that hillside, soon.

Anyone dealing with mosquito hell, or is it just me?
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Fri Aug 07, 2015 12:59 pm

The house plans sound exciting, That design is very strong. I hope you like it. It has not rain much here for several weeks, so the mosquitos are at a minimum here. Good luck with the hearing, I hope you finally get this whole thing resolved and over. I am really happy that you now get to see the kids again, That must have been tough not to be able to see them, hug them, or give them a kiss. It would kill me not to be able to see my Grandkids.
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby matt walker » Sun Oct 18, 2015 3:07 pm

On my mind is trying to say hi and get caught up without getting overwhelmed and putting it all off some more......so I'm just going to cruise by for the moment and say...

I miss you guys, I have much to share, and I hope to, soon. Life has been amazing for me over the past half year and I've had to let some things slide to make other opportunities possible. I can't wait to get caught up. I hope everyone here is happy and healthy! I'll be back!!
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby Nirky » Mon Oct 19, 2015 12:32 pm

Hey Matt! No posts since May, figured you might have kicked the bucket, great to see you back. Eagerly awaiting your sharing. :D
I don't think I'll ever get over Macho Grande, those wounds run pretty deep.
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby matt walker » Mon Oct 19, 2015 4:00 pm

Hi Nirky, thanks for the welcome back! I'm not dead yet! To all, you can always get to me via PM if you need to, it sends an email and I promise I'll respond. I am so slammed with real work and new projects that internet time is down to a minimum at the moment...which isn't all bad. I've been really enjoying the break, and may continue to cruise by intermittently, but I'll keep the lights on here and if there are problems or requests, feel free to hit me up! I'm super stoked to see you guys still at it!
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby Lollykoko » Tue Nov 17, 2015 3:39 am

I forgot to let you all know that the judge gave guardianship of my grandchildren to their stepmother on the last Friday in Sept. Forgot because I was super bummed & didn't believe it would last too long. :cry:

Well, it certainly didn't. Five weeks after he made his decision the state Child Protection Service made an unannounced stop at the home. Stepmom was arrested and the children were sent home with their maternal grandfather "until further notice". Luckily, grandpa and I get along well and both have the children's best interests at heart. I'm in process of moving to a rented apartment less than a half mile from his home, with plenty of room for the kids, whether overnight or permanently. Currently the state is official guardian, but has kindly completed my background check so that I can help transport the children to school or take them out for the day/weekend. No court date has been set yet. We don't anticipate further action till after Christmas at least.

In other news, the house plans are extremely close to what we want, but the designer's wife has been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. We have a few months yet before the plans must be submitted, so I've told him to take whatever time he needs to deal with her condition and transition. After all, we can't pour concrete in the snow, so no reason to add stress to a stressful situation.
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby matt walker » Thu Nov 19, 2015 4:06 pm

Lolly, wow! After all that time and work, and all that was required was enough rope. I'm so glad the kids are in good hands and you can help guide their path. Other than the designer's wife, this is all great news! Good luck on the house, it sounds like it to is on track. Great to hear.
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Postby SilverFlame819 » Fri Feb 19, 2016 8:13 am

I have spring fever like crazy. I spend my work shift listening to podcasts and writing myself pages and pages of notes on homesteading-related things, and then I get home and look stuff up online until bed. Just the last 2 days or so, we've been getting temps that are not ridiculously freezing, and just this morning we had a crazy electrical storm, followed by a torrential downpour (which then turned to snow, because this is Utah, but then melted off by nightfall). I literally spent like 6 hours looking up cool new chicken breeds in the last 2 days alone. I need to get a grip on the insanity, because I'm supposed to be planning a trip to the coast to look for a place to live in a few months, but all I can think about are rabbits and chickens and gardens and treeeees. OMG, trees.

Seriously, I hope to get this out of my system soon so I can focus on things that actually need attention. Like my life! *lol*

Everything I own is packed and ready to go, but I'd like to downsize a bit more before hitting the road. I also want to post a Craigslist ad to ask the opinions of people up and down the coast on what lesser-known areas they'd recommend, based on what I'm looking for. I hit "Career" status at my job this summer, and then I can ask for a transfer, so I'll have a guaranteed job with decent pay and good benefits waiting for me when I get to where I'm going. But this train ain't even leaving the station if I can't stop thinking about BUNNIES.


This season is screwing with my head, for real. I think it might be that light at the end of the tunnel shining in too. I'm in animal withdrawals. Can't wait to GTFO of the city! The dirt and rain are calling my name!
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Fri Feb 19, 2016 2:40 pm

I too have had cabin fever pretty bad Silver. I have been listless and not getting anything done. I was in the garden digging out a new Hugalbed section when we had a warm spell a couple of weeks ago, I was almost done with the digging out rock with a pick part when the entire side wall collapsed dropping not only the wall section of dirt back into the hole but all of the dirt I had pilled up on top of that section. I would guess 2 to 3 tons of dirt fell back in that needs to be removed, Oh well, at least it is loose and I won't have to use the pick again, :lol: I have been reading Gaia Garden to pass the time. I have wanted to read it for many years now but my local Library did not have it, it is now available through the Counties library system. I am a functional illiterate and read very slowly ;) I am also reading his book like a text book, trying to understand the concepts presented and to really absorb the knowledge presented. It is slow going, but I am enjoying the book a lot. It has given me something to do to help break the cabin fever. :D
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Re: What's on your mind?

Postby SilverFlame819 » Sun Feb 21, 2016 8:38 am

Books that are full of information, or concepts that I really want to wrap my head around, I'll read slowly and savor like that. Roll them around in my noggin for a bit. But usually I'm a blazing fast reader. I can easily consume a few books a day if I have the time to just sit down and read. I currently am reading about 2 books a week through the cool free app my local library uses, where I can check out books through them. No fees to use the system, download the program for free, and no late fees on the books. Can't beat that! It also helps curb my book obsession. I've gotten rid of a ridiculous number of books, and I don't want to grow that collection again unless they're books I love and will read over and over, or informational books that I will use as reference material.

I really want to get a few new Storey Press books. I absolutely love working on and thinking about custom designs for things like coops, barns, and cages. I've found some cool ideas in their books, and I'd love to devote some brain power in the near future to some new plans. Gotta wait for work to slow down though. I should be done with my second job by the end of March, and then I'll at least have my weekends back, so I can burn a little time on fun stuff like that. :)

You guys that have land already ordered your seeds? Curious if anyone's planting anything cool! :)
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