Homemade flea soap for dogs

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Homemade flea soap for dogs

Postby George Collins » Tue May 13, 2014 1:03 am

Our three dogs came in yesterday and, for the first time that I've noticed this year, were obviously itchy. A quick inspection confirmed what I intuitively knew - damned fleas!

We didn't have any flea shampoo so I did a spot of research. Every home remedy for fleas that I came across used either lemon juice, vinegar or both. However, none of them said anything about simply mixing vinegar with kiddy shampoo which is what I did.

I poured a glurg or two of white vinegar into about a cup or so of some dollar store kiddy shampoo and the kids started scrubbing dogs.

Since that bath, (and I've paid close attention to see if something so simple could be efficacious) I haven't seen any one of the three scratching themselves at all.

If any of you ever try this, I'd like to know the results.

If anyone knows of anything simpler, please let me know.
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George Collins
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Re: Homemade flea soap for dogs

Postby Lollykoko » Wed May 14, 2014 3:34 pm

George, I don't think there is anything simpler than vinegar. The acidity factor is what causes the pests to flee or die. The acid also weakens the eggs that were left behind and keeps them from hatching.

When I was young, everyone used vinegar or lemon juice as a final rinse in the shampoo process. Eventually it was trendy to use conditioners for shiny hair and bounce. Then the instances of head lice in the schools started going up. One of my granddaughters came home with an infestation more than once. Eventually she was willing to take "old wives" advice and never had a problem again.
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